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Navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence with a psychic or evidential medium reading.


Gain clarity in your life with an intuitively guided psychic or medium reading. Experience a sense of peace and healing that enhances self-awareness, spiritual growth, and personal healing —empowering you to make decisions that support the growth of your soul, and positive forward movement on your spiritual journey.


ᐃ Provides clarity & insight

ᐃ Helps you heal & find closure

ᐃ Supports spiritual growth & development

ᐃ Empowers you to move forward with confidence

ᐃ Empowers you to take action toward manifesting your goals

ᐃ Identifies opportunities for growth & expansion

ᐃ Reveals your life path & current life lessons

ᐃ Revels blockages on your path



  • A psychic reading is where I connect to your energy and receive information related to your past, present, and future.

  • Evidential mediumship is where I connect with your loved ones that have crossed over, bringing forth evidence from them such as personalities, memories, and healing messages. As a medium, I channel your loved ones spiritual energy (essence) rather than their physical energy. The veil is thin between the physical world and spirit world.

  • All readings are via Zoom.

  • To prepare for your reading, take some time to reflect on the specific questions or areas of your life you wish to explore during the reading. Preparing a list of questions can be useful, but not required.